Hello, everyone! Let me introduce myself--my name is Jubilee Rose Grubbs and I was born on Tuesday just before noon. You all know my mom, and my dad is Mr. Time Management. He's the one that's always talking about "Redeeming the Time" and doing things the fastest way possible.
I don't know what all the commotion was about, but I decided to take his advice and be born the fastest way possible just like he's always telling people to do. It seems he wasn't too crazy about my idea after all because he had to go get a nurse real fast and the doctor didn't even make it. I don't understand that part either because he's always talking about saving money and finding ways to do it. I would think that if the doctor didn't make it, that would be a considerable savings. He usually says that he's not going to hire people to do things that he can do himself, and I think he and that nurse he got did a pretty good job just between the two of them. After all, why even pay all that money to go to medical school if my dad and a random nurse can do the same thing? If he had done the doctor thing for my other ten brothers and sisters, that would have been a really big savings, but I don't think he likes the idea!
Maybe I'll understand all these details some day, but for now, I'm spending my time following more of my dad's advice. Early rising is one of my specialties. This morning at 4:30a.m., when my mom woke up my dad to do his early rising thing, he didn't seem as enthusiastic as normal. I guess that acting like the doctor thing might have worn him out. After all, this is his year of Jubilee...
The Bible says that every fiftieth year is supposed to be a year of Jubilee, and this is the year that my dad turns 50. He's a smart dad to marry a wife that can still give him a baby in his year of Jubilee and he sure showed up those twenty something first time dads at the hospital by stepping up and doing a great job helping to get me here. Better go. Dad's on duty tonight. By the way, if you see my dad, don't call him, "Dr. Grubbs." He doesn't like that. He says he can't even cure a ham.
Now to remind him of one of his major points in that "Redeeming the Time" message--Learn How to wake up and get up." I think he may drop that point for a while. Until then, I'll give him plenty of practice!
She is beautiful! Congratulations and what a cute post. How much did she weigh? What day was she born? Love her name too!
LOL!!! I love this introduction! Jubilee (or I should say, Mom) has a great sense of humor. Congratulations to you all!!
aww so cute mom :)
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