Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Greatest Need

Have you ever felt that your family had more needs than you could ever fill? Some days around my house it seems like there are so many needs--often all at one time--that I cannot sufficiently meet them all.

Often, as busy women we get frustrated because there is just not enough time or resources to able to what we feel like we should do in order to be called "successful."

I came across a quote recently that really spoke to my heart about getting done what is really important. Robert Murray McCheyne, a nineteenth-century Scottish preacher, said, "The greatest need of my people is my personal holiness."

The greatest need of my family, spouse, church, friends, or my ministry is not an organized and efficient woman that appears to have it all together. The greatest need from me that any of these people will experience is to see me living a life of consistent, personal holiness.

In the urgency of the moment, other needs often rise to the top of my "to do" list, and if I consistently allow it, these needs will crowd out the real needs that must remain a top priority. Not only is my personal holiness the greatest need of those around me, but my priority has to be to encourage and inspire holiness in their lives.

Nancy Leigh DeMoss said in her book, Holiness, The Heart God Purifies, "What others most need is to see in you a reflection of what God is like." If I don't have time to spend in God's presence, I've missed the most important things of all, and will someday ultimately disappoint all those counting on me. This may mean I have to make some tough calls about how I will spend my time today, but in eternity, it will be a wise investment.

For more meditations for busy women, visit http://www.lifechangingseminars.com/.

1 comment:

Faith said...

So true... so many times the urgent pushes the important out of the way. Thanks for the encouragement!